Probiotics for Gut Health

Probiotics for Gut Health

The gut houses millions to trillions of bacterial cells, some of which carry specific functions essential for the body to be in top shape and perfect condition. Together with viruses and fungi, these bacteria make up the complex community of microorganisms in the gut called the microbiome or flora.

A healthy gut is one that has a healthy and balanced microbiome. Meaning, our digestive tract shouldn't have harmful microorganisms such as bad bacteria, but at the same time, we should have enough amounts of healthy gut bacteria.

How to keep a healthy gut microbiome

You may have heard of it before—probiotics can aid in maintaining healthy gut flora. But even if you don't, you may have probably seen foods, drinks, and supplements such as cheese, milk, and yogurt with labels saying they are rich with probiotics. These probiotic-rich sources contain live bacteria that can benefit our health. So, what are they really?

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are usually live bacteria and yeast. They are the very tiny living organisms that many scientific experts continue to study for the many benefits they offer. They are beneficial for the gut as it contains live microorganisms which restore the gut flora. These good bacteria fight off infections and reduce harmful bacteria in our bodies.

Some of the common probiotic bacterial strains include Lactobacillus rhamnosusBacillus subtilis, and bifidobacterium. On the other hand, the most common yeast species found in probiotic supplements is called Saccharomyces boulardii. The role of probiotics for gut health is diverse as it improves immunity, relieves constipation, reduces gastrointestinal discomfort and helps the body digest food.

But although generally considered safe for consumption, certain amount or species may cause unwanted effects on rare occasions. These cases may be due to taking in levels that exceed maximum recommended levels or co-existing health issues.

What do probiotics do for your stomach?

Probiotic supplements are beneficial for the stomach as it supports the cell lining of the stomach and keeps the epithelium intact. It helps in controlling inflammation and maintains a balance in the acidic environment of the stomach.

The good bacteria are released in the gastrointestinal tract, which restores the balance in our body. Moreover, it breakdowns medications and helps in absorption. Microbial properties of probiotics help it to stay intact in the acidic environment of the stomach.

Probiotic supplements can help us to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms and it is recommended to take probiotics after meals. Initially, some of us might experience loose stools but it goes away when we take it regularly. Though, there is no recommended dosage for probiotics but one dose per day is enough to form 5 billion to 10 billion colonies forming units of good bacteria in our body. It will enable us to take active control of our digestive system starting with the stomach. The good bacteria are frozen dried in probiotics, they remain alive in capsule or tablet form. Once consumed, they are activated in our digestive tract passing the acidic barrier of our stomach. They strengthen our stomach and reduce harmful bacteria and pathogens which can degrade the inner epithelium lining. Probiotics revitalize our and leads to cell generation in our stomach and intestine.

Consumption of a balanced diet with probiotic supplements can help our body to feed the good bacteria and keep us healthy. Our microbiota needs complex carbohydrates supplied by probiotics as a food source which enables it to sustain and reduce underlying symptoms like constipation, bloating and stomach ache. Though, one might experience flatulence issues initially after consumption of probiotics but it is minimal. Probiotic supplements also consist of pectin, inulin and resistant starches which are quite beneficial for our stomach microbes. It propels our own body immune mechanism to get activated and ward off any threats from underlying medical conditions and foreign pathogens.

Why take probiotics?

Our body is exposed to a wide range of microbes everyday including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and others. Combination of these microbes form the microbiome of our body. Probiotics keeps these microbes in balance and maintains enhanced immunity for our body to fight off infection and diseases. One of the probiotic supplements like Total Gut Solution improves healthy cell growth and helps in digestion. It's role as probiotics for gut health is proven clinically as it maintains a body weight and improves our immunity to fight off foreign pathogens. Proven research has shown that it boosts our energy by breaking food particles and helps in cell regeneration by fueling mitochondrial cells. It consists of a unique blend of ingredients which aids in bowel movements and reduces constipation.

probiotics for gut health

Studies conducted on probiotics show its beneficial effect in treating various conditions such as constipation, urinary tract infection, sepsis, upper respiratory infection, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). As a dietary supplement, it has a positive impact over our health by increasing good microbes in our body. It is recommended that more research is needed to understand the beneficial effects of probiotics.

It is safe to consume probiotics supplements while it is refrigerated and kept away from heat, temperature, light and humidity. Increases in temperature can lead to break down of essential bacteria. Apart from that, one should consume probiotics prior to expiration date as good bacteria are more effective and efficient in forming colony units in our digestive system to reduce infestation of bad bacteria and other disease causing pathogens.

Should you take probiotics every day?

Probiotics can be taken as dietary supplements as it is safe and effective for the human body. It reduces gas, bloating, inflammation and indigestion. It promotes growth of good bacteria and keeps disease-causing microbes away. Probiotics acts as a supplement for our gut and boosts our immunity. Unhealthy gut can lead to numerous diseases like inflammatory bowel syndrome (ibs). Probiotics for ibs has shown beneficial effects with secretion of protective substances and reduction in inflammation. Olders adults suffering from a wide array of gastrointestinal diseases have shown improvement with probiotics for gut health. It is recommended by researchers as the potential benefits of probiotics are vast. Probiotics fight strains of various diseases causing bacteria and viruses which can lead to inflammation, eczema, ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease. Daily dosage of probiotics can lead to reduction of ulcers and gut infections. Studies show that it can improve our digestion, softens stools and prevent relapse of gastrointestinal diseases.

Our diet also plays a crucial role to regulate our immune system with probiotic rich food like yogurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese, fermented pickles and sourdough bread. It prevents pathogens from progression of diseases in our body and regulates the population of microbes. Probiotics for gut health has proven beneficial for gastrointestinal symptoms especially for vulnerable populations. It is safe and effective against certain health risks which can compromise our immune system. It is recommended that patients with compromised immune systems can consult with a physician or pharmacist prior consuming probiotics supplements.

Why is Probiotics for Gut Health recommended?

probiotics for gut health

The potential benefits of probiotics outweigh any risk. It is safe for kids and elderly. Patients suffering with underlying medical issues are advised to consult with a physician prior to taking probiotics. Probiotic supplements are gut friendly as they reduce the potential of infection causing microbes and fight against cavity causing organisms. Overall, it keeps us healthy and prevents relapse of certain major diseases. Specific probiotic strains like Lactobacillus Rhamnosus are effective against harmful microorganisms. It restores the balance of the microbiome in our body. It is relatively safe to consume and the dosage varies for each of us. Probiotics for Gut Health is indeed beneficial against a wide plethora of diseases such intestinal bowel disease, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Sources and Benefits of Taking Probiotics for Gut Health

Bacteria are the most misunderstood microorganisms. We’ve always thought of it as something bad, but that’s only seeing one side of it. Take it from Clint Eastwood in his iconic phrase “the good, the bad, and the ugly,” which perfectly describes how bacteria are. There are the “bad and the ugly” bacteria, which are considered as pathogenic that invade the healthy cells of the human body. These are the ones that cause various diseases and can even provide infections. However, most bacteria are good and harmless. They promote a better digestive system, and they also help in absorbing the needed nutrients for the body. They are more commonly known as probiotics for gut health and proper digestion of food. Good bacteria can be acquired from some foods or probiotic supplements.

Do you cringe at the mere utterance of the word bacteria? Bacteria have become a constant victim of bad stereotyping, so it is about time to repair such an unfortunate reputation that these bacteria have. We may have forgotten that not only bacteria are considered as the cradle of life; they are also considered economically useful in the field of agriculture and the production of fertilizers. I haven’t even started yet on their health benefits! Indeed, it is about time to let the good bacteria vindicate themselves! 

Understanding “good” bacteria:

We’ve heard it from germ-conscious quadragenarians that to be fit and to be free from illnesses, especially when nearing the golden age, they try to prevent getting in contact with germs as much as possible. While they do it for a good reason as some bacteria are notorious for causing meningitis, pneumonia, food poisoning, and the like, there are good bacteria that are responsible for our very own survival. Such is the biological oxymoron of the bacteria.

Here’s a scientific health fact that might surprise you: Don’t you know that your body is home to, not millions, but trillions of bacteria? I’m not bluffing. You can even ask your doctors about it. Even Harvard, from his study on good bacteria, can attest to it. But don’t fret. They are not bad bacteria. They are the good ones that help promote good health. Most of them live in our gut-- and for a valid reason. They are not your usual freeloaders because they stay in our gut for a good and healthy purpose. They are the probiotics.

We are just about to discover the many benefits of probiotics. Heavy is the role that they perform for our health that they deserve a proper introduction. Let’s all meet them, eh?

The different types of probiotics:

 So, which species of bacteria shall we be thankful for when it comes to our gut health? Here, we'll take a look at some of the most common probiotics and their functions :


Lactobacillus is a type of good bacteria that harmlessly live in our digestive system. They are responsible for breaking down the food that we eat. They also fight off their distant relatives from wreaking havoc in our bodies. There are a lot of Lactobacillus species, but the most common one is the Lactobacillus acidophilus. They are commonly used as a probiotic found in various commercially healthy products like yogurt or miso.


Bifidobacteria belongs to the bacteria family of lactic acids. Our gut is densely populated with bifidobacteria as compared to the other good bacteria residents in our tummy. They commonly live in our gastrointestinal system. They help in stopping the spread of bad bacteria in our bodies, among others. This good bacteria has a total of 30 various strains. The most common of which is Bifidobacteria bifidum which help prevent bad bacteria take-over; Bifidobacteria infantis which relieve common symptoms brought about by abdominal problems; and Bifidobacteria lactis which help improve the levels of cholesterol in our body.

Streptococcus thermophilus

This friendly bacteria is one of the most potent strains of probiotic which is commonly found in our colon. They are known to improve our digestive health and modulate our immune system. Like the other good bacteria, they help protect us from the invasion of bad bacteria in our system. One thing unique about this bacterium is that it produces an enzyme known as lactase which helps to break down the sugar that is found in most dairy products. 

Benefits of Probiotics

The list goes on when we talk about all the benefits that probiotics provide. But to provide a general summary of the advantages of probiotics for gut health in our body, here are the following points:

It neutralizes the bad bacteria in our digestive system.

Too much bad bacteria can cause various diseases and complications. Probiotics counterbalance with the bad bacteria so it maintains a sufficient number of good bacteria which helps in putting back the normal balance of friendly bacteria in our gut.

Probiotics help treat and prevent diseases

Probiotics have significantly lowered any form of risk that is being associated with diarrhea.

Probiotics improve mental health

It has been proven with thorough research and study that probiotics help improve unwanted symptoms brought about from depression or anxiety.

Probiotics promote a healthy heart

One of the advantages of having probiotics is that it lowers the level of LDL cholesterol in the body, which is often called the “bad” cholesterol responsible for causing heart diseases secondary to plaque build-up as it usually collects inside the blood vessels. Probiotics also help lower blood pressure.

Probiotics reduce digestive disorder related symptoms

Certain symptoms such as LBM, IBS, or colitis, among others, can be alleviated with probiotics.

Where can you get probiotics?

Feeling guilty enough that you have shunned off all bacteria in your body, including the good ones? Not to worry as studies show that there are foods and probiotic supplements are known to provide probiotic health. These sources of probiotics are the following:


clear glass jar with white liquid

It is a type of fermented dairy product that is produced from kefir grains and milk. But it has more probiotics and less of the lactose part. Fun fact: The term kefir hails from Turkey and Russia which means "feel good". They are best mixed with your favorite smoothies or cereal. Or you can just drink it like you do your two-fours and bottoms up!

Kefir provides relief for various intestinal conditions and has been known to promote easy bowel movement. They also help provide a cleaner environment for the digestive system. Some of its health benefits also include anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour. 


Think of our all-time favourite Canadian bacon sauerkraut pizza, who would've thought it's packed with all the goodness of probiotics! Sauerkraut is essentially cabbage that has undergone the fermentation process. Fermentation is a common method that is ideally performed on probiotic foods so that it boosts the multiplication of good bacteria.

study published in the World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology has been shown in proving that sauerkraut is a good source of probiotics. Sauerkrauts are high in digestive enzymes. It is also found to be a good source of lactobacillus. It has even been proven to provide relief among patients with gastrointestinal tract disorders.


two mason jars filled with liquid on white surface

Kombucha is black tea or green tea that is lightly sweetened which has also undergone the fermentation process. They are ideally consumed to promote various health benefits. Now gaining popularity in the Canadian mainstream market, kombucha has become one of the most popular beverages of choice given its effervescent features.

Kombucha is known to provide digestive aid. It gives the needed energy for the body. And it also helps detoxify the liver.


Natto is simply a fermented soybeans dish. This is Japanese cuisine which may not be so popular in our area. But it is packed with a very powerful probiotic known as bacillus subtillus which helps boost the immune system and cardiovascular health.

Natoo is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and helps prevent blood clotting.


close-up photo of white cream in clear shot glassNot all yogurts are created equal because some of them lack the essential probiotics for gut health that we all need. Yogurts that are non-pasteurized and come from grass-fed animals are the ideal ones rich in probiotics.


Kvass is also one of the many foods with probiotics. This also belongs to the fermented group of probiotics which is quite popular in Russia. It is a drink that has low alcohol content, and is also made from malt and rye flour.

Raw Cheese

sliced cheese on black plate beside wine glass

Like yogurt, unpasteurized cheese must be used as they are the ones rich in probiotics.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar offers a myriad of health benefits on top of it being rich in probiotics. It is known to control blood pressure, enhance weight loss, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve insulin sensitivity.


I'm not referring to just any kind of buttermilk. The probiotics-rich buttermilk refers to the residual liquid after butter has been churned. Of course, the liquid also underwent the fermentation process.

When choosing the right buttermilk that contains probiotics, it is important to find those that have live cultures when looking for one in supermarkets.

Dietary Supplements

It is vital to note that not all dietary supplements are the same. While it may be true that most natural foods are the best source for us to get our dose of probiotics, probiotic supplements also help in filling in the deficient gaps. But it is important to get the most reliable product of them all.

The Total Gut Solution (Probiotic) is a great digestive support supplement that provides a total solution when it comes to providing digestive support while maintaining a healthy weight. It has been clinically tested to make sure we only take nothing but the best and the safest supplement so we enjoy good health and quality living.

Total Gut Solution (Probiotic) 

Recommended probiotic products like Total Gut Solution are essential supplements for our body as it reduces unfriendly bacteria present in our body, maintains healthy gut, boosts immune activity and protects our body from foreign pathogens which can make us sick. The Total Gut Solution consists of bacillus subtilis which is found naturally in the gastrointestinal tract. It plays a crucial role in boosting overall body immunity. Moreover, such microbes can survive in extreme environments including stomach which is highly acidic. It also consists of lactase producing enzymes like lactobacillus rhamnosus which helps our body to digest food and lose weight. It is recommended to take Total Gut Solution to reduce inflammation and obesity. It consistently maintains energy levels in our body and removes excess harmful bacteria.

It is available in coated capsules which protects good bacterial strains from the harsh acidic environment of the stomach. It enables us to maintain a strong immune system and propels cell generation by fueling mitochondria. It is beneficial for weight loss as it controls our appetite and promotes production of healthy bacteria. Naturally occuring bacteria present in Total Gut Solution such as bacillus subtilis and lactobacillus rhamnosus are beneficial for our body as it leads to natural bowel movement with consistent weight loss. Overall, Total Gut Solution maintains a healthy balance of good bacteria in our body, removes disease causing pathogens, improves energy levels and nourishes our overall health.

Benefits of Taking Probiotics like Total Gut Solution

The benefits of probiotics are numerous as it maintains a healthy balance in our body which makes us feel better while we are sick. The promising effects of probiotics is evident with reduction in infections caused by Clostridium difficile in the digestive tract, ulcers caused by H. pylori, eczema in children, infections of the external surfaces like lungs, urinary tract, mouth, skin and vagina. It increases the body's defence mechanism to ward off harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), yeast infection, sepsis, gum disease and yeast infection can be relieved by taking probiotics. The amount of probiotics in the body can be increased by taking natural food and supplements as probiotics promotes a balanced ecosystem with beneficiary effects to maintain microflora in our body.

Probiotic supplements restores normal digestion function and lowers harmful disease causing microorganisms away from our body. It reduces the risk of bacterial vaginosis, pregnancy related complications, urinary tract infection and maintains healthy microbes to fight off vaginal infection. Studies show that use of birth control pills, spermicides and certain antibiotics can compromise reproductive health and create complications and pelvic related inflammatory diseases for women. But, probiotics can reduce risk to reproductive health by limiting proliferation of harmful bacterial populations in the body. It also reduces complications for urinary tract infection, pelvic inflammatory disease and bacterial vaginosis. 

Join the Probiotics fanatics bandwagon!

Probiotics for gut health allow our bodies to better digest foods and absorb the nutrients that these foods contain. They are also responsible for producing healthy acids that trap all the harmful elements in the stomach as they pass through the digestive system. These good bacteria further prevent the development and growth of these harmful elements while activating the immune system to help rid them off.

As we age, these are the needed nutrients that we need for our bodies. We are not talking about the modern trends in health and wellness, we just simply want to live healthily and age gracefully with the help of some good old reliable bacteria! So, come join the bandwagon.

I will end by quoting a famous writer, Steward Brand: "If you don't like bacteria, you are on the wrong planet".