Natural Ways to Improve your Digestive Health
"How are you doing today?" is a question we ask each other often, but what does it actually mean? The answer can vary depending on the day – you could be feeling great one day and crappy the next. Your digestive health plays a very crucial role in how you feel, so if you're not feeling your best, it might be time to tweak your diet and try some natural ways to improve your digestion. Improving your digestion can help regulate your mood, energy levels, and complexion! Read on for our top tips.
Natural Ways to Improve your Digestive Health
Think you’re too busy to focus on your digestive health? You’re not alone. Between work, family and social obligations, many people don’t think they have time to worry about something as “mundane” as their digestion. But did you know that your digestive (gut) health is closely linked to your overall health and well-being? By making a few certain changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can improve your digestive health – and reap the benefits in terms of improved energy levels, better skin and reduced stress levels. Here are some tips for improving your digestive health naturally.
Drink plenty of water
We all know that drinking enough water is essential for so many things – it keeps us hydrated, boosts our energy levels, helps our skin look its best and even improves brain function. However, did you also know that drinking plenty of water can improve your digestion?
Drinking enough water is important because it helps to break down the food (and help extract nutrients!) in your stomach; without enough fluid, digestion slows down which can cause discomfort or bloating. So if you're unhappy with the way you feel after eating that big meal, make sure to drink up!
Your body requires plenty of water to function properly, and that includes proper digestion. Drinking enough water ensures that everything you eat gets broken down into smaller particles which can then pass through your digestive system more easily.
If you're struggling with how much water you should drink on a daily basis, think about it like this: Your urine should be pale yellow or clear – if it's cloudy or deep yellow, try drinking more water! If you do not like the taste of plain old H2O, add some slices of lemon or cucumber to your glass for a little flavor boost.
Eat plenty of fiber
Fiber is indigestible carbohydrate found in plant-based foods like fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Fiber can be broken down by your gut bacteria to release short chain fatty acids that nourish the lining of your digestive system.
Research also says that fiber - especially the soluble type - can help calm inflammation and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. We recommend aiming for 30 grams of fiber each day – which equates to about 15 grams per meal.
You might have heard that most fruits are healthy, but some are definitely better than others when it comes your digestive health. Some fruit is easier on the stomach than others because they contain high levels of soluble fiber, which helps with digestion by forming a gel that slows down the transit time of food through your gut. We recommend ripe bananas or papayas as great fruit choices for improving your digestive health.
Fiber also helps food go through your digestive tract more smoothly – if you’re constipated or having trouble moving things along, try increasing your intake of high-fiber foods!
Make sure to eat food with proteins
Eating a balanced diet with enough protein needed by your body is important for many reasons (including muscle growth and repair). But did you know it's essential for healthy digestion too?
Protein is important for digestion because it stimulates the production of enzymes that break down food and extract nutrients, and without enough protein – your body can’t produce enough enzymes. So to improve your digestive health and increase the efficiency of your metabolism, eat a high-protein breakfast each morning!
Quinoa is a great choice for increasing your protein intake – it contains all nine essential amino acids (which are great for building muscle) as well as fiber, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.
We always recommend eating protein at each meal, because it's easier for your body to digest than fat or carbohydrate. So if you're planning on enjoying that plate of pasta for dinner, be sure to start the meal with some chicken or fish!
Keep stress levels under control
Keeping your stress levels to minimum is important for many reasons (including weight loss), but did you know that it's also essential for healthy digestion? When you're stressed out, your digestive system shuts down – this is because cortisol (the stress hormone) tells the body to stop everything until the threat has passed. This response doesn't actually make sense in modern day life where most of us are faced with stressful situations every day (like traffic jams and annoying coworkers), but our bodies haven't evolved to deal with it yet!
Your stomach is lined by a specialized protective layer of mucus that keeps it from digesting itself. When you're stressed out, this lining can break down and cause ulcers – so if you’re frequently under pressure or suffer from stress-related gut problems like IBS, try these simple relaxation techniques to keep your digestive health in check.
Watch what you eat
As we mentioned earlier, your body digests food more easily if there's enough water and fiber present – so be sure to include plenty of both in every meal. Here are some other foods to consider watching:
Fatty foods
Fat isn't always bad for digestion – but certain types can slow things down considerably. If you have a sensitive stomach, it might be worth avoiding foods like fried food and fatty meats to see if your digestive health improves.
While a cup of coffee in the morning might help some people get going, caffeine can actually cause indigestion and heartburn for many others – especially if consumed on an empty stomach. If you noticed that your gut is more sensitive after drinking coffee or tea, try cutting back to see if it helps. Check out these 5 surprising caffeine-related health problems for more information.
Soda / fizzy drinks
If you're regularly enjoying soda or fizzy drinks, there's a good chance you aren't drinking nearly enough water! Soda can also harm your digestive system by causing acid reflux, so if you have a sensitive stomach, it might be worth cutting back on your fizzy drink intake.
Dairy products
Dairy can cause gas and bloating for many people – even if they don't realize it! If you've tried everything to improve your digestive health and still feel bloated after eating dairy products, try going without them for a week or two to see how things change. You might find that going dairy-free helps immensely!
Processed foods
Processed foods often have high levels of sugar, which can cause serious digestive problems if you're not used to eating a lot of it. If you notice that eating processed treats causes indigestion and stomach discomfort, try cutting back and seeing how your gut responds – we bet you'll feel much better without all that added sugar!
Artificial sweeteners
Why avoid food with artificial sweeteners? Well, researchers have been studying the effects of these sweeteners on our health for decades and their findings are pretty disturbing. In fact, some experts believe that artificial sweetener consumption could increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome!
Packaged foods
Many people think they're doing themselves a favor by opting for a packaged food over an unprocessed one – but this isn't always true! The more processed a food is, the less fiber it contains. This means you'll get a lot less of a benefit from what you eat if it's full of preservatives and colorings. Speaking of preservatives…
Preservatives really aren't great when it comes to digestive health. They often contain chemicals that irritate the stomach lining, leading to an overproduction of acid which can cause ulcers, inflammation and indigestion. Most processed foods contain preservatives because it extends their shelf life – try to buy fresh or frozen produce instead for a healthier alternative!
Take the Stress Out of Eating
If you're feeling extra stressed out, try preparing your meals in advance so you don't have to think about what's for dinner at work. It is also smart to take some time to chew slowly, as rushing through your food can make it challenging for your stomach to break down properly. Chewing your food thoroughly will help ensure that it gets digested quickly and easily by making more surface area available for enzymes in the stomach.
Eat fruit before meals
If you struggle with stomach bloating, gas or indigestion, try eating your fruit before rather than after a meal. This is because fruit contains soluble fiber which can bind to fat and remove it from the body. It's best to eat fruits like oranges and bananas in the morning so their soluble fiber has time to work its magic!
See what types of foods make you feel best
As we said earlier, digestion is all about finding the perfect balance between water and fiber in every meal. Because everyone has different preferences or favourites when it comes to food, there's no one "right" diet for good digestion.
Some people go by a high fiber, vegan diet while others insist on eating super-low fiber foods. Some feel best with lots of fruit every day while others would never dream of it! Keep an eye on your food and note what types make you feel fantastic and which leave you bloated and uncomfortable – there's no sense in forcing yourself to eat things that don't agree with you!
Try to keep a food journal for a week
Writing down everything you eat and how it makes you feel – this can help you identify which foods, snacks, or drinks work best for your body. You might find that cutting back on certain types of fiber or protein is the key to improved digestive health!
Get enough exercise
Exercise or some physical activity is a great way to promote digestive health in several different ways:
First of all, exercise helps the body regulate its blood and fluid levels – which means you'll be less likely to suffer from low-level dehydration when you're active. In many cases, dehydration is a big cause of digestive problems like constipation and indigestion.
Second, exercising regularly gets your digestive system working properly again after periods of inactivity (you know how sometimes 'afternoon sleepies' can make you feel extra hungry? This is because when we rest, our stomach actually shuts down digestion so it can focus on the most important job we have: repairing and restoring our bodies).
Finally, getting enough exercise will help give your digestive muscles a serious workout – and stronger muscles mean better bowel movements!
Take time for yourself every day
When we're stressed, anxious or exhausted our digestive systems tend to take a hit too. Research has shown that stress can actually slow down digestion or lead to problems like diarrhea, constipation and nausea.
Take some time out for yourself every day – whether it's just fifteen minutes of deep breathing, meditation or even taking a bath – to reduce anxiety and feel refreshed! Taking time out every day to relax and recharge will help keep your stomach feeling its best!
Get plenty of rest
Getting enough sleep is necessary for good health – but it's also important when it comes to digestion. Because stress gets in the way of proper digestion, getting enough zzzs each night helps reduce anxiety levels which supports healthy digestive function.
Maintain a healthy weight
A lot of people are under the impression that being overweight or obese is somehow "normal", but being overweight is one of the biggest causes of digestive problems.
In many cases, being overweight can cause a number of serious medical conditions which could be causing digestion issues – so if you're having trouble with your digestive health and have a high BMI, it's definitely time to make some lifestyle changes!
So, try not to over-eat. Eating mindfully and stopping when you're full should become a habit – especially if you've got digestive problems. When we keep eating after we're full, this can put extra pressure on your stomach because that food has to be processed through the body before digestion can continue. If possible, try waiting 20 minutes before going back for seconds!
Reduce your stress levels
Stress is one of the key causes for digestive issues, so reducing or managing it will help immensely both short term and long term. Your doctor might be able to give you some helpful tips on how to manage stress, but it's also worth looking at other areas of your life which could be causing anxiety or stress (like spending too much time working or worrying about work).
Try meditation
One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is through meditation. This is because it stimulates alpha brain waves, which produce a very calming effect. But don't worry if sitting still isn't your thing – even taking a few deep breaths and closing your eyes for just a couple of minutes each day can make a difference to how you feel!
Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is one of the effective ways to reduce stress levels. Not only does getting your zzzs help you feel more rested at the end of each day, it also helps the body relax, improve mood and increase energy levels. All these things contribute to reduced anxiety, which will improve digestive function!
Make sure you're taking care of yourself
If you've done everything you can to improve your diet and lifestyle choices, but still suffer from occasional indigestion (or worse), be sure to get in touch with your doctor or specialist. They may be able to set you up with a treatment plan that includes medication or alternative medicines, so don't hesitate to ask for help!
Eat probiotic-rich foods
Probiotics are the healthy bacteria in your digestive system that keep it running smoothly. Foods like yogurt actually contain live cultures of these good bacteria, so be sure to include them in every meal if you can!
Try taking a supplement for better digestion
For some people, food just doesn't seem to be enough! If this sounds like you, try adding probiotic supplements to your daily routine – they're available in many health stores and supermarkets. These supplements can help balance out your gut flora, kill off any bad bacteria overgrowth, and make you feel much better overall.
Applied Science Nutrition's Total Gut Solution (Probiotic)
Are you feeling bloated and uncomfortable? Do you feel like your weight is out of control, no matter how hard you try to diet or exercise? You might need Total Gut Solution.
Our premier digestive support supplement promotes gut bacteria that are key to a healthy and regular digestive system - keeping your body functioning at its best. With ingredients and natural bacteria like Probiotic Bacterial, Bacillus Subtilus, and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, our blend helps promote weight loss and a more comfortable lifestyle. Don't let your gut problems hold you back any longer - try Total Gut Solution today!
What are the benefits of taking Applied Science Nutrition's Total Gut Solution?
If you're like most people, you probably think of your gut as nothing more than an afterthought. But did you know that your digestive health is actually linked to a whole host of other health issues? That's where Applied Science Nutrition's Total Gut Solution comes in. Keep reading for four benefits of taking this top-quality supplement!
Supports Healthy Digestion
The Total Gut Solution formula contains 3 of the most important bacteria strains found in your gut. These inner membrane-building, immune system supporting microbes help you break down food so that nutrients may be absorbed by your body more efficiently and enjoy a healthy digestion process!
Improves Cell Growth
Gut health is important because it affects the cells in your body. When you have a healthy gut, then those mitochondrial cells are able to regenerate more quickly which means faster cell generation!
The Total Gut Solution helps support this by providing nutrients for our digestive system so that we can reap all of its benefits on top quality food sources like fermented vegetables or raw honey.
Gives Weight Loss a Boost
Not all fats are bad! The Total Gut Solution provides the right kinds of dietary fat so that your body is in better shape and more likely to shed any excess weight.
Supports a Healthy Weight
Healthy weight starts with a healthy gut. Promoting the production of good bacteria will keep your body regulated and working as it should! All natural ingredients contain probiotics, which help break down food in our bodies so we can control appetite naturally.
Maintains a Strong Immune System
The bacteria in your gut not only breaks down food but also provides the energy needed for immune system function, which is why maintaining a healthy diet with good probiotics is so important.
Applied Science Nutrition's Total Gut Solution will boost your immune system and digestive system and give you the nutrients that it needs to keep running smoothly!
Improve your gut health!
Improve your gut health to help improve your digestive function - it's that simple! Take the Total Gut Solution every day for up to 30 days.
If you're looking for a safe, natural supplement that can improve your digestive system, look no further than Applied Science Nutrition's Total Gut Solution. With three of the most important strains of probiotics found in our intestines along with Bifidobacterium Lactis and Bacillus Subtilus, this product is designed to promote weight loss by reducing belly bloat and helping you feel more comfortable after each meal. Don't forget to visit us online or at any one of our retailers today!
Be in touch with your doctor
The information found in this article is intended to be general in nature and not specific medical advice for any individual patient. If you have a medical/surgical concern or problem contact a doctor immediately, you should not discontinue any medication or alter your treatment plan without the consent of your doctor.
Before taking Total Gut Solution, we recommend however, to get a consult with your family doctor to make sure that these supplements are right for you and to make sure that they don't interfere with any medication or supplement routine.
Healthy digestion is essential!
People who are interested in becoming more healthy should know about the benefits of a properly functioning gastrointestinal tract. Digestion is essential not only for providing nutrients from food, but also for preventing produce malabsorption due to poor digestion.
Probiotics have been found to prevent diseases by promoting a variety of beneficial effects on the human body, including improved immune function and reduced risk of diarrheal illness. The gut contains a complex microbial ecosystem involving thousands of different species as well as bacterial communities which play important roles in health and disease.
So, what can you do to help improve your digestive health without resorting to harsh chemicals and medications? Plenty! From adding probiotics to your diet to increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods, there are plenty of ways to get your digestion back on track. Give some of these natural remedies a try and see if they work for you. Have you found any other methods that have worked well for you? Let us know!