Foods that are Good for Inflammation


Inflammation is a natural reaction to injury, infection, or irritation of the tissues. It can cause swelling and redness in affected areas. In some cases, inflammation may be an adaptive response necessary for healing from illness or injury. But when excessive inflammation occurs without any apparent cause, it can lead to a variety of health problems. Fortunately, there are many foods that have been shown to reduce inflammation naturally, so you don't have to resort to drugs or surgery!  

Foods that are Good for Inflammation

Have you been feeling sluggish, tired, and achy lately? You might want to take a closer look at your diet. The next time you're looking for foods that are good for inflammation, try these top 30 picks. They will keep you energized so you can have the energy to go out there and enjoy life!

1. Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are some of the best foods for inflammation because they help fight off free radical damage and can reduce allergy symptoms. They also contain lignans, which help prevent cancer cells from growing. To get maximum benefits, grind the flax seeds instead of using them whole.

2. Salmon

Salmon is an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are the best food for inflammation. Omega-3s fight off free radical damage while providing anti-inflammatory effects. They also help reduce autoimmune diseases and improve brain function.

3. Ginger/ Ginger Root

Ginger is a root that adds flavor to many Asian dishes -- it's an essential component of many fried dishes! But did you know ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory effects? It inhibits enzymes involved in synthesizing inflammatory prostaglandin molecules in the body, making it helpful for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. If taking it as

Ginger root contains powerful antioxidants that prevent cell damage while reducing joint pain and inflammation naturally. To get the most out of ginger root, you can make fresh ginger tea or find capsules in your local health store.

4. Tumeric Root

Turmeric contains curcuminoids, antioxidants that are great for treating osteoarthritis symptoms by reducing swelling and improving joint mobility without side effects. You can take advantage of its antioxidant properties by adding it to soups or sauces or by drinking turmeric tea.

5. Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are a great source of vitamins A and C, which boost immunity while reducing inflammation in the body. Non-green leafy vegetables such as cauliflower and Brussel sprouts also have anti-inflammatory properties due to their vitamin K content.

6. Garlic

Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which is responsible for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Research shows that consuming garlic can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels as well as inflammation in the body.

7. Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are packed with nutrients, making them a great choice for anti-inflammatory diets. Studies show that sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and yams contain carotenoids which have antioxidant properties. The antioxidants found in root vegetables can lower inflammation levels in the body

8. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are known to help fight prostate cancers due to their high antioxidant content. However, studies show that pomegranate extract can also decrease TNF-alpha production (the chemical responsible for inflammatory reactions) by up to 50%.

9. Olive Oil/olives

Olives contain plant compounds called phytochemicals which act as antioxidants since they fight against free radicals which can cause cell damage. Free radical damage is linked to conditions such as arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

Olive oil is a great way to add some extra omegas into your diet. It contains an antioxidant called polyphenol that can help decrease inflammatory molecules in the body. This not only helps prevent inflammation but also reduces the risk for memory loss and disease.

10. Mint

Mint tea has been used in countries all over the world as a form of medicine. Mint leaves contain various anti-inflammatory compounds, including rosmarinic acid which have been shown to reduce inflammation in cardiovascular tissue by up to 30%. Drinking mint tea can help you relax, lower stress levels, and improve cognitive function.

11. Walnuts

According to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition, the walnut extract has been linked to lower levels of C-reactive protein, a marker for heart disease. The antioxidants found in walnuts have also been shown to reduce inflammation.

12. Rosemary

Rosemary is not only used as a delicious spice but can also be used as a natural anti-inflammatory herb to help with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Studies from several European journals have shown that rosemary extract acts similar to ibuprofen when consumed orally and can cause blood vessels around arthritic joints to dilate which brings more nutrients and oxygen into the area reducing pain.

13. Blueberries

Blueberries are a sweet and tart fruit that contains an antioxidant called anthocyanin which helps to reduce inflammation in the body. They can be used in smoothies, sprinkled on cereal or yogurt, or eaten straight from the container!

Blueberries also taste so good! They have long been touted for their antioxidant properties because of their high content of polyphenol compounds. But they also have anti-inflammatory effects, inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins, which is related to inflammatory reactions in the body. These little blue powerhouses can help reduce the pain caused by arthritis, too.

14. Green tea

Green tea is an awesome antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food! Green tea has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties by reducing levels of C-reactive protein in lab test animals. It also contains anti-inflammatory flavonoids called catechins which help to maintain healthy blood vessels and can prevent blood clots from forming. And wow...that's tons of health benefits!

The most important thing to remember, however, is that, in order for it to be effective, it must be organic so the pesticides don't counteract the health advantages it offers! 

15. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is most commonly known for its ability to improve sugar uptake in the body and lower blood sugar levels. But it also has anti-inflammatory effects, inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis (which is related to inflammatory reactions). Plus, it tastes amazing! Sprinkle some on your cereal or oatmeal for breakfast, or mix it into tea.

16. Beets

Beets are incredibly rustic and nutritious veggies that you can eat raw or cooked; they're great as a side dish or even blended into smoothies. They help detoxify the liver by flushing out waste materials like free radicals that cause inflammation in the body.

17. Artichoke

These are great steamed on their own as a side dish and also work well in salads and soups. The vegetable contains antioxidants and anthocyanins (like those found in berries) to fight free radicals that cause inflammation after coming into contact with chemicals like cigarette smoke.

18. Apples

The fruit is well known for its antioxidants and fiber, which are perfect for fighting free radicals that can cause inflammation. With that being said, it's important to avoid eating the peel since there are harsh chemicals used in processing it.

19. Almonds

Almonds are full of vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, and B vitamins to help fight off chronic inflammation while giving your immune system a huge boost. You can eat them raw or dry-roasted - feel free to sprinkle almonds on salads or munch on them as snacks throughout the day. Just make sure you don't eat too many at once since they're pretty high in calories! They also go great with other foods listed here like sweet potatoes and oatmeal.

20. Bananas

Bananas are extremely high in vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K; they're also full of antioxidants that help fight inflammation. They're great to go with cereal or oatmeal in the morning or you can make them into a smoothie if you prefer drinks! But again... be careful because too many bananas at once can cause your blood sugar levels to spike.

21. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is considered one of the world's most perfect foods since it contains tons of dietary fiber, vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), and folic acid! It also has one of the lowest glycemic indexes, so your blood sugar levels won't spike as much after eating it.

22. Honey

Adding a little honey to your favorite foods before eating them will help reduce inflammation because of all the antioxidants! Make sure to choose raw honey rather than processed honey though since those extra ingredients aren't as healthy as natural honey.

23. Basil

Basil is full of anti-inflammatory flavonoids, so sprinkling a little basil on your favorite foods will help reduce inflammation in your body! Keep the leaves whole to get the most out of them since chewing breaks down their cell walls and releases an anti-inflammatory effect!

24. Dark Chocolate

It's time to treat yourself! Dark chocolate is full of anti-inflammatory compounds, so go ahead and indulge in a small piece every day. Just make sure not to overdo it since chocolate still has caffeine and theobromine which can cause inflammation if consumed too much!

25. Eggs

Everyone's favorite new superfood is here to save the day again! Eggs are full of anti-inflammatory choline and omega 3 fatty acids that reduce swelling and pain in your body, so get cracking on cooking up some eggs for breakfast tomorrow morning!

26. Cranberries

Cranberry extract plays two roles in fighting inflammation by blocking adhesion molecules that allow harmful substances into tissues and breaking down E coli bacteria found in urinary tract infections. So stock up on these berries to stay healthy and skip the antibiotics next time you get sick!

27. Asparagus

Asparagus has compounds called saponins which can be beneficial in treating heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and more! So grab some asparagus soup for lunch tomorrow at work or whip up a quick stir fry for your next meal!

28. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is filled with antioxidants that can slow down cell damage caused by free radicals, thus preventing inflammation in the body. So put some pomegranate juice in your smoothie at breakfast or drink it when you get home from work!

29. Strawberries

Strawberries are not only delicious, but they also help with inflammation. Strawberries contain ellagic acid, which is what gives them their anti-inflammatory effect. So eat some strawberries in the morning with your breakfast or at night before you go to bed!

30. Chamomile tea

Drinking chamomile tea regularly will help to reduce inflammation in the body. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can help with pain relief. So pour yourself a cup before bed or during your lunch break!

There you go! These are just some of the foods that are good for inflammation. Remember to keep your diet as an anti-inflammatory as possible, and you'll be well on your way to feeling better!

Just make sure you talk to your family physician or healthcare provider before trying something new, in case it might interact with any medications you're on or other health concerns you may have.

Be sure to follow your physician's advice any, in case you are on medications or have some health concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions about inflammation

Now that we've discussed some of the foods that are good for inflammation, you might have a few questions. Let's go over the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Q: What is inflammation?

A: Inflammation is a response from your immune system to something that has been injured or irritated, such as a cut on your finger, food particles in your bloodstream, or even damage inside of cells.

Q: How do I know if I'm suffering from inflammation?

A: If you feel pain somewhere in your body and generally tend to feel worse before feeling better after an illness, it may be a sign that you're experiencing some level of inflammation. Other signs include stiffness and other physical discomforts.

Q: Is there any easy way to test if I have inflammation?

A: Blood tests that measure the level of C-reactive protein can indicate inflammation. However, these are not routinely available except in special circumstances so they aren't very practical for an at-home test. You can also examine your urine for blood or protein, which may be caused by organs releasing inflammatory compounds into your bloodstream.

Q: How does the body control inflammation?

A: A healthy diet is a key to controlling inflammation. As many as 80% of people's inflammatory symptoms are food-induced. To combat this, you should avoid foods with high sugar content and emphasize fruits and vegetables instead. Cooking foods minimizes their antioxidant power but enhances important enzymes in them. The fresher a fruit or vegetable is when you eat it, the more health benefits

Q: Why does inflammation happen?

A: It's a natural response to things like stress, injury, or bacterial and viral invasions. Normally it should be temporary and not progress past the first phase (the redness and heat). If it does continue, however, it can lead to more dangerous conditions such as arthritis or heart disease.

Q: What are the signs of inflammation?

A: The most common signs of inflammation are pain, heat, swelling, and redness.

Q: What are the causes of Inflammation?

A: Inflammation has a number of causes, including stress, infections, and injuries. It can also be caused by chemicals in foods or by certain medications.

Q: Besides food, are there other treatment options for inflammation?

A: Yes, there are other options for treatment. They include rest, staying at a comfortable temperature, and taking certain medications.

Q: Is there any special precautions to take with inflammation?

A: Yes, people should be careful to avoid any activity that may worsen the condition and take medications only as directed by a doctor.

Q: Are there steps to take to prevent future occurrences of Inflammation?

A: Yes, the best way to prevent future occurrences is to limit certain foods that can cause inflammation.

Q: What are those food items?

A: The following foods have been identified as a potential risk for causing Inflammation:  processed meats, high-fat dairy products, margarine and butter spreads, refined grains, fried foods, highly processed baked goods including donuts and pastries, sugary drinks such as soda or energy drinks.

Q: How can people who suffer from Inflammation know what specific foods to avoid?

A: A Food Sensitivity Test will identify if an individual is sensitive or allergic to certain food items that may lead to Inflammation. The test involves blood work analysis for IgG Food Antibodies which are elevated when an individual has a sensitivity or intolerance to specific foods. Another method of testing is avoidance of the potential food allergens for a specific period of time and then reintroducing them one at a time. A health care practitioner can help with this type of testing as well.

Q: How does exercise play into treating Inflammation?

A: Exercise is crucial in helping to treat chronic inflammation because it promotes your body's anti-inflammatory response. Exercise increases the activity of your mitochondria, which are often referred to as 'the powerhouses of your cells.' The mitochondria convert energy into a form that each cell can utilize. Anti-inflammatory nutrients also help with reducing Inflammation through their immune-boosting benefits. Some examples include omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and zinc.

Q: What are some of the side effects of anti-inflammatory medications?

A: Some common side effects include upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn or indigestion, and nausea. Other possible side effects may be headaches; dizziness; drowsiness; gas; mild itching; flushing; tightness in your chest; swelling in your hands or feet, especially during the first few days after starting the drug (a sign you might be having a serious allergic reaction); or wheezing or trouble breathing.

Important things to know about inflammatory diseases

Inflammation is the body's natural response to irritation or injury.  It can happen anywhere in your body, including your skin or internal organs.  There are many different types of inflammatory diseases including psoriasis, arthritis, Crohn's disease, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

You may notice symptoms like redness, warmth, and swelling where ever there's inflammation.  The symptoms depend on which part of the body is inflamed and how severe it is.

Some symptoms include fatigue, headache, muscle aches and pains, sleep issues, or a loss of appetite. Inflammatory diseases cause many symptoms that affect daily life – from causing discomfort to interfering with work productivity – so they may cause stress for you or your family.

Everyday foods that are good for inflammation reduce the causes of these diseases, so they can provide relief to those suffering from inflammatory disorders.  The best part is, there are many different foods with anti-inflammatory properties–you don't have to eat them all at once!

Fight Inflammation

In this blog post, we have highlighted a few of the foods that are good for inflammation. We hope you found some new information in our article and can use it to help keep your body happy!

If you need more information about how diet affects inflammation or want us to write an article on a specific topic, let us know by typing in the comment section below.